Amazon Rain Forest! Why it is so Important?
Today many people are just talking abou t t he amazon rainfores t fire. But before t his inciden t i m damn sure t ha t man y people don' t know abou t amazon rainfores t . Le t' s ge t t o know abou t t his. Amazon rainfores t also known as Amazonia or we can sa y Amazon jungle , is a broad leaf t ropical rainfores t . T his is the largest rainforest in the world with area of 5500000 km 2 . Located in Ecuador, brazil, peru, venezuela, bolivia. This rainforest is house for thousand of species which are going to an end . This region is home for 2.5 million species and 10000 of plants, howereas also for 2000 birds and other creature. scientist have describe 96,600 and 1,28,000 invertebrate species in brazil alone. Why it is so Important? Amazon rainforest is t...